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Risk Management Conference

In partnership with the Mongolian National Tourism Centre and the Discover Mongolia Conference venue, 65 professionals from the Tourism Sector, participated in a 2 day conference designed to highlight the need for Managing the Risk in Adventure Sports in an acceptable way.

The conference was lead by Chris Cartwright, CEO of MIOL. Three guest speakers gave seperate and entertaining presentations that added to the involvement of the participants.

Dr Tom Sheddan: Medical Director of SOS Medica Mongolia and Medical Consultant to MIOL gave a thorough update in First Aid principals for the Guide.

Mr Barrie Evans: Churchill's Quality gave a very entertaining preview of the HCCAP Food Hygiene programmes he is running.

Mr Ganzorig: CEO Prime Datgal and MIOL Insurance Advisor gave a thorough introduction of Risk Management from the insurance company side.

We plan to run this popular programme every year. For further details please contact the MIOL CEO.

Site Last Updated - 17/02/2011 09:28:22
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