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Rock Climbing with students from the International School Ulaan Baatar

Nukht valley, 6th June 2010

Six year 9 and 10 students participated in an overnight camp high in the Nukht Valley. Learning new skills on the way such as food planning and preparation, navigation and campcraft. The team were supervised by Dave Chilton from the ISU.

During the climbing session the students not only participated in climbing the 25m face but developed trust and self confidence skills by belaying each other.

The day was hot and sunny and provided a great introduction to the sport of climbing. The skills learnt are being utilised by several students in projects and assignments set by their tutors.

We hope that this young and enthusiastic group will grow to become the foundation to a climbing club and OE Department.

I would like to say thanks to the staff and students for allowing me to place their photos here.

Site Last Updated - 17/02/2011 09:28:22
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