SpanglefishMind Your Own Business | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 02/09/2009.

Mind Your Own Business

This training programme was commissioned by the Community Land Unit of Highlands and Islands Enterprise.

Who the training is for

The training is open to individuals within community organisations acquiring, owning or managing community assets, to help them meet the challenges of developing and sustaining their organisations 

Where and When

The training will be delivered free of charge in ten locations around Scotland. Click on 'In Your Area' (menu on the left) to find the details of the event nearest to you. This will tell you the date, venue, and local host organisation.

What and How

The locally customised training programme for each area is posted on the 'In Your Area' section once it is finalised. The details of the topics to be delivered in the programme can be found in 'Workshop Details' (see menu on the left). Each training day will include topics selected to meet local needs by local representatives.

The training will be delivered by two trainers from Comas (see 'About the Trainers'). Each trainer delivers six sessions during the day, to maximise the ground covered.  A comprehensive pack of information, resources and tools is provided to all participants and is posted on this site (In Your Area) after the training has been delivered. See Workshop Details for contents of the pack per topic.


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