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I recently purchased at a sale a number of master moulds of unknown origin that contained a small number of individual figures and vehicles etc. The moulds are not the normal rubber type but of a fragile white latex? or similar and were small rectangular two part moulds containing one , two and occasionally three castings. This is a 25mm, BA 10M Russian Armoured car that I have made into a one piece casting (originally body, turret and wheels seperate)to see how they would look. There are no makers names on the bottom of any of the vehicles and figures and what I have purchased are obviously the master moulds. I will provide more photographs as the figures are prepared. Any information on the origins would be helpful
BA 10M Russian Armoured Car and Dingo WW2
25/28mm Elephant
To navigate this site, choose the tab on the left that you require (ie 15mm The Ice Age) Press the tab and the page with Ice Age figures and pictures will appear. Select the figures etc that you require and either send me an Email with the item you require on and I will send you the price plus postage or work out how much the amont is going to be, add the postage on as well and then Email me with your list and pay the full amont to Pay Pal at this mail address at mickyarrowminiatures@yahoo.co.uk. If you have any problems then Email me at royalistmymins@yahoo.co.uk
25mm Rioters/Thugs £1.00 each
New, 25mm 'Retro' (70s) Space Troopers 28mm from bottom of base to top of helmet, 1.00p each. Really nice figures. Space 1 Avancing Space 2 Firing
New 25mm Napoleonic (Idanho) Portugese Militia £1.00 each Please note I normally send packages out by first class mail. If you would like to pay extra and have your package to be sent by 'signed for' or if a large expensive package, 'insurred', or some other form of postage, then please indicte when ordering. When I post a package I receive a 'proof of posting 'receipt and as a result I can not be held responsible for packages that get lost (very occasionally) in the post New28mm Early Medieval knights
Early Medieval Knights 1250-1350? £1.00 for Foot, £1.95 Mounted
EM 1 BOWMAN in helmet EM 2 BOWMAN in helmet EM 3 FOOT KNIGHT in great helm, shield and sword EM 4 MOUNTED KNIGHT Great Helm, shield and spear EM 5 MOUNTED KNIGHT Great Helm shield and spear EM 6 MOUNTED KNIGHT Great Helm with crest shield and axe EM 7 MOUNTED KNIGHT Great Helm with feathers shield and spear EM 8 MOUNTED KNIGHT Great Helm with vertical crest shield and spear EM 9 Foot knight in helmet with shield and sword EM 10 Foot knight in great helm with spear and shield EM 11 Religious man/Monk with ragged cross on staff Can be used in any period between 1170 &1536 EM 12 Religious man/Monk with banner EM 13 Mounted knight in round helmet
World War One 1914/5 British, German and French Start of a new expanding range of figures as the centenary of the begining of the great war approaches. These are 15mm in size and comparable with the smaller Peter Pig figures. Price is £2.50 per pack of 8 infantry Britsh 1 8 x Assorted infantry British 1a 8 x Assorted infantry including officers German1 8 x Assorted infantry German 1a 8 x Assorted infantry including officers French 1 8 x Infantry advancing French 1a 8 x Infantry advancing including officers New New New New New New New New New New Also new 25mm Orc's Individual figures at £1.00p each !! Orc with bow Orc with sword type weapon Orc with spear Orc with pole axe 25mm Orc with 1 Euro coin for comparisson Opening price is £1.00p each
25mm figures are £1.00p each 28mm Robin Hood are £1.00p each 1/3000 and 1/1200 scale ships have also increased in price 1/4800 scale ships which were half price at are now 40p and 80p per ship Sorry, due to the huge increase in the price of metal and also postage I have been forced to increase the price of ships by a small amount . Happy new year everyone I have a few new 1/4800 and a couple of new 1/3000 ships at present I am trying to keep the prices down even though the metal price keeps rising 16th April 2011 A few new Modern figures to add to this 'topical' range! MAF 1 Infantry armed with pistols and AK 47s (assorted) Useful if you want an unarmed mob !!
MAF 4 Unarmed stone throwers
MAF 5 Unarmed flag and placard bearers
MAF 6 Riot Police with guns etc
MAF 7 Riot Police in long shields
MAF 8 Riot Police with round shields
MAF 9 Militia/Mob in builders helmets with clubs or guns
MAF10 Lightly armed Military with guns
These figures are mostly dressed in modern western clothing and can be used in most conflicts
NEW 1/4800 Scale Warships at 40 p each
497 HMS Eagle Aircraft Carrier
498 HMS Unicorn Maintenance Aircraft Carrier
499 HMS Pretoria Escort Carrier
500 HMS Nairania Escort Carrier
New odds and ends Sept 2011
1/4800 scale warships, new additions
501 Kuma/Sedrai light cruisers Jap 1941
502 Tenryui Light cruiser Jap 1941
503 Momi DD Jap
504 Mwikaze DD Jap
506 Kongo Maru Merc armed cruiser WW11
507 USS Pennsylvania BB WW2
508 USS New York BB WW2
240 USS New York BB WW1
15mm figures
SED27 Improvised galloper gun and crew
SED28 light infantry gun and crew
Inuit 100 Killer attack dinosaur
Inuit 101 10 legged Polar bear and 'the head'
Inuit 102 Sledge and team with cannonballs and crew
Inuit 103 Sledge and team with cannon and crew
1/3000 ships
3282 Naturi class L/Cruiser
3232 Tenryu class L/Cruiser
3284 Farragut type DD X 2 WW2 50p
3286 Archimede Italian sub x2 WW2 50p
3287 S Class British sub x 2 WW2 50p
3288 Filippo Corridoni x1 Italian sub 50p
3289 Fluto, Italian sub x 2 50p
3290 Navigatori class DD x2 50p
3291 Tonnes class DD x2 50p
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