Chris & John Hobson outside No. 10 Downing Street
Tel: (01642) 313154
Contact: chris_hobson@middlesbrough.gov.uk
Welcome to our website I hope you find it interesting and informative.
John is on the following committees:
- Constitution
- Ad Hoc Scrutiny
- Staff Appeals
- Teeside Pension Fund
- Older Persons Partnership
- Social Service Appeals Committee
- Captain Cook Museum
- Planning
- Nature's World
Chris is on the following committees:
Overview & Scrutiny
Audit & Governance
Corporate Parenting
Chief Officers Appointment Committee
Civics Working Party
Member Development Working Party
Social Care
CAB Management Committee
Community Safety & Leisure
- Environment
- Municipal Golf Course Club Committee
Leader of Conservative Group
We are both Governors of Lingfield Primary School.
We both attend Community Council meetings and Cluster meetings.
We are members of Marton Garden Club and you can often see us on a Sunday in the sales centre.
We will be keeping you up to date on any events that are happening in our area.
If you have any issues please do get in touch.
We are now doing 'Street Surgeries' each week. We have found these most valuable and have been told by residents how they appreciate them. It has also helped us to get to know more residents and what friendly residents you are. We have had some excellent conversations while out and about and really enjoy our evening walk-about. We also have the local neighbourhood police with us most weeks, so that you can talk to them if you have any anti-social behaviour problems etc.