Data uses, collection and analysis
Data can be collected for many purposes and sometimes the same data can be serve a number of purposes. One key point - collecting data retrospecitively is very difficult and often impossible. It is better to collect 'too much' and then not use it. Another key point - you dont always recognise data for what it is until you have a use for it, and even then it can take time for the penny to drop. Read Barry Hymer's introducion to his thesis and you will see what I mean. (accessible from
Bell, J. and Opie, C. (2002). Learning from research: getting more from your data. Buckingham. Philidelphia: Open University Press.
Forms of representation and communication
Spry, T. (2001). Performing Autoethnography: An Embodied Methodological Praxis. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(6),706-732.