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Joe Stark pat testing is committed to providing clients with a reliable professional portable appliance testing service. We have been in pat testing for over 20 years, you can have confidence that we will still be around to support you for years to come.                                                                                                                                                                      Portable appliance testing ensures the safety of electrical appliances in the workplace, without this program it could be impossible to prove the safety of electrical items at any given time testing must be carried out by qualified engineers in line with iee regulations. our competitive pricing structure remains one of the lowest within the east midlands-Landlords, Hotels, Guest house, B&B, Retail stores, Self Employed, Schools, Colleges. and many other businesses and domestic properties. function testing also available. so if you want to comply with the law in the workplace or for peace of mind at home feel free to contact us! 


Mobile: 07392949265 

Email: joestark28@gmail.com                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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