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Welcome - this site has been set up to support the development of links between Region 5 schools and schools in Birmingham UK.

The first school links were set up in May 2011. Liz Millman from the UK visited Region 5 to discuss the possiblility of linking.

She visited McIntosh Memorial Primary School and Miss Shamara Stubbs class welcomed the visitors and performed some songs.













In September 2011 we heard that the British Council was going to support an exchange of teachers and Daniel Lassetter and Lee Bywater from St Thomas School, Birmingham made the first link visit.

In November 2011 a delegation from Region 5 visited Birmingham.




Principal of New Forest Primary and Junior High School making a presentation at the event held at the University of Birmingham.





The return visit to Region 5 took place in Febuary / March 2012.

On "Jamaica Day" Liz Millman and Herline Simon visited Manchester High School in Mandeville, with Education Officer Mrs Yvonne McLeod and met Miss Collae the Culture Agent for the school.




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