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Wellness Health and Beauty

Welcome !

The purpose of this website is to promote the importance of individuals achieving good physical and mental health enabling them to achieve maximum fitness and vitality to create a great life.  Information, tools and resources are available enabling people to make informed choices about improving their lifestyle to radiate good health, beauty, love, peace and joy from within. 

The site is very basic and easy to navigate around it is under constant development and improvement with more updates, tools and resources being added on a regular basis.  So please keep visiting.  Feedback on how to improve the site is very welcome so please go ahead and make a comment !

Introduction to the topics


Good nutrition is fundamental for a healthy body and mind.  The modern diet very often lacks many essential nutrients because we rely more on convenience and processed fast foods due to work committments and time restraints.  Herbalife has produced some highly nutritious products that can be prepared, consumed and enjoyed quickly.   

Herbalife is a fabulous company specialising in optimum nutrition.  The products are formulated using high quality natural ingredients, they are packed with essential macro and micro nutrients to meet the core nutritional and weight management requirements of all individuals.  Specific product ranges are formulated to meet the requirements of people with specific nutritional needs, such as people who suffer from calcium deficiency and anaemia 

Herbalife sell their products via trained distributors who provide a personalized service to their customers.  The distributors provide personal individual assessments to ensure individual nutritional requirements are met.  If you would like more information about herbalife you can find the contact details on the contacts section of the site.

Mental Health

Good mental health is just as important as good physical health.  Mental health issues are often misunderstood and overlooked by many.  Self development resources to help individuals improve their mental health have become more common in recent years and are gaining in popularity due to the positive effects they can produce with regular use. 

Apart from nutrition the aim of this website is to raise furthur awareness about self development topics of which include: Ho oponopono, the Law of Attraction, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro Linguistic Programmning (NLP), Z Point process and other miscellaneous  clearing techniques. 

Ho oponopono is an ancient hawaiian method used to clear the mind of negative memories and limiting beliefs.

Dr Hew Len and Mabel Katz have done a lot of work recently to develop methods to raise the general awareness about how ho oponopono can improve mental health and well being to create peace, love, joy and happiness from within

Referring to the work of Dr Hew Len and Mabel Katz the first step is taking responsibility for every event occuring in our lives because on some level it is believed we have created them either by design or default

Ho oponopono practice is based upon repeating four high vibrational phrases based upon repenetance,forgiveness, gratitide and love to erase negative memories and limiting beliefs from the mind.  For more information and access to some great resources see ho oponopono articles in the wellness, tools and resources page on the site !

Law of Attraction is a universal force.  Many people are now aware the law of attraction exists, more so since the release of the 'secret' in 2006.  The theory suggests each individual emits a constant vibration to the universe, The most dominant vibration emitted is what we tend to attract back to ourselves on a regular basis, 'like attracts like' 'birds of a feather flock together' and 'we reap what we sow' are terms often used to suggest we attract back what we vibrate out.  If we don't like what we are attracting we must change our vibration to attract or manifest what we desire. 

How do we change our vibration to manifest what we desire? This site offers many articles on manifestaion, so please do take a look through all the pages of interest to you.  This site offers access to some great information about the process of manifestation and how you can apply the principles in your life, its great stuff !   Check out the tools and resources on the site

EFT also known as Emotional Freedom Technique.  Gary Craig describes EFT as the combination of mind body medicine and accupuncture without the needles.  In essence it is an emotional version of accupuncture

The technique requires tapping the fingertips on various meridian points on the body to release negative, trapped energy that can contribute to emotional stress, pain, disease and physical ailments.  EFT is known to provide fantastic relief from emotional stress.  For a free EFT manual and other free EFT products please visit

The tools and resources section of this site offers other EFT resources to improve relationships and promote rapid weight loss, please check them out !

NLP known as Neuro Linguistic Programming can be looked upon as the 'users manual' for the brain.  In simple terms NLP is the study of how humans think, feel, communicate and experience the world 

NLP offers a combination of models, theories  and techniques to quickly and effectively change thoughts, beliefs and behavioural patterns that limit or hold us back into more empowering thoughts, beliefs and behavioural patterns that can empower and move us forward

NLP is very powerful and has the potential to improve all aspects of life including, all relationships, career, business and personal self development paths.  Despite the many tools and resources out there, it is far more beneficial to learn NLP in a practical learning environment by qualified trainIng practitioners than it is to simply read about it. 

iI you are interested in contacting a high quality NLP training provider please take a look at the following website

ZPoint helps to quickly reduce or eliminate intense or difficult feelings by utilizing a specific process consisting of reciting phrases and using a cue word.  This process links the power of your conscious and subconscious minds allowing both to work together in a completely new and very effective way.  

Using ZPoint can quickly transform your life by completely releasing difficult or painful feelings associated with traumatic memories, difficult relationships or life situations. You can start to move past difficult, intense, or unwanted feelings and start living the happy, peaceful, positive life you deserve right away! For a free introductory ebook explaining the z point process please visit











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