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What do I want to improve?
I want to improve the instruction about the connection between what students learn and their real life.

Why do I feel something could be improved in what I am doing?
Students learn because they want to pass the examination, not because they want to know. Some students said “why I must learn chemistry, I don’t use it in my daily life”.  So I think if students can use what they learn in their real life or their career, they will want to learn by themselves.

What could I do that might improve what I am doing?
- Using problem solving.
- Using activities that connect to daily life.
- Displaying how chemistry is used in various careers. I would be interviewing a guest presenter about how chemistry is a part of their career.

How cultural influenced on my work?
     Students and their parents do not understand the purpose of science curriculum which focuses on scientific process and scientific attitude as well, not only content. They give precedence on grade/score because it is used for entrance to university. For this reason, teachers are forced to pay attention on scientific process less than it should be.
     Students do not like inquiry based learning. Students like something that they can use immediately, so students want teacher to tell them what to do or how to solve problem rather than construct ideas by themselves.

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