Gloucester Arts and Crafts Group Brochure
Summer School 2025
Monday 28th July - Friday 1st August
We hope that you enjoy browsing though our 2025 brochure, whether you are a regular Summer School student or a potential new one. As is our custom, we offer a broad range of arts/crafts courses and this year a number of new, exciting options have again been added.
When you have made your choice and filled out the booking form, we hope that you will tell other people who you think might also enjoy and benefit from the unique experience and atmosphere of the GACG Annual Summer School.
Newent Community School, Watery Lane, Newent, Gloucestershire GL18 1QF
Summer School Co-ordinator
Gill Webb Mobile—07874 604952
All courses - 9.30am- 4.30pm
Organised by Gloucester Arts and Crafts Group Reg Charity No 1069039
For more information go to:-
Please bring CASH for Tutor materials, Raffle, The Marketplace and New Beginnings table . Also a mug for your teas and coffees and maybe a cushion for the hard chairs.
GACG bank details National Westminster Bank
Account Number 69003009
Branch Sort Code 60-09-02
Use reference : SS25 and your name as it appears on the booking form
ACRYLICS - Wildlife in Acrylics 5 DAYS Tutor —Jackie Garner
This wildlife-themed course will explore a range of acrylic techniques, giving students broad experience of the medium and therefore more choices in future picture-making. We will cover choice of surface to finishing touches, looking at composition, texture, brushwork, glazing, scumbling, and creating fine details along the way. Ideal for those wishing to improve their skills and step beyond pure copying of a photograph, all in a friendly, fun and supportive atmosphere.
Tutor—Ness Head
Bumble Bee - acrylic painting on canvas . Supplied: canvas, frame, all equipment and paints. We will Sketch out and paint our fuzzy little friend then mount him in a frame ready to hang. £10 for all materials payable to tutor on the day.
Tutor- Ness Head
Wren -acrylic painting on canvas We will sketch out then paint our little Jenny Wren then mount her in a frame ready to hang. Supplied: canvas, frame, all equipment and paints. £10 for all materials payable to tutor on the day.
Tutor—Mary Day 2 DAYS
Applying melted wax to silk is a lovely way to design patterns be they pictorial or abstract and great fun for those who don’t regard themselves as particularly artistic. Lots of items found around the house can be used to create patterns as well as the specialist equipment associated with Batik. Painting the silk can then take on your own creative blend of colours and more wax can be layered to create even more shades and tones as well as more pattern – a great way to make your own one-off scarves, pictures or cushions. Go to our GACG website for details of materials needed and costs. Small charge for using tutor materials payable on the day to tutor.
Tutor– Sally Boehme
This two day workshop will cover two different bead weaving techniques. On the first day you will use seed beads and facetted beads to create beads from beads! You will learn how to use needle and thread to weave beads together to create beautiful little beaded beads, be they sparkly or subtle. Lots of ideas and techniques will be covered on how to string your beads to transform your treasures into jewellery to wear home. On the second day you will learn how to use simple stitches to attach beads of different shapes and sizes to a fabric foundation. This could be a piece of jewellery or a small motif for use in other projects. Approximate cost of materials will be £10, payable to the tutor.
BOTANICAL ART - CONTEMPORARY in Graphite and Polycromos Oil based Coloured Pencil
Tutor - Marilyn Hughes 3 DAYS
In this course students will achieve drawing skills, mixing colours, composition and using solvent. The course is designed to build confidence, encourage accuracy, observation and composition for beginners and intermediate students. It also introduces students to the wonderful world of coloured and graphite pencils. The course will concentrate on combining both mediums in one composition using fruit, vegetables, seed heads and flowers. No water is used as these pencils are oil based. Charge for materials to the tutor on the day.
BOOKBINDING 1: Introduction to Book repairs & restoration
This workshop is a mixture of demonstrations, advice and hands on experience to give you an opportunity to learn about choosing the right materials, tools and basic techniques. You will learn how to conduct simple book repairs under experienced tutor’s supervision in the second half of the day. Bring up to 6 books that need a repair, preferably nothing valuable. Materials: £10 payable to tutor on the day
BOOKBINDING 2 Handmade journal: exposed stitching TUTOR—ANNA YEVTUKH-SQUIRE 1 DAY
During this bookbinding workshop you will learn how to create your very own handmade journal with hard covers and very attractive exposed stitching on the spine. Suitable for all levels of experience. Materials: £10 payable to tutor on the day
BOOKBINDING 3 Primrose: Leather book binding with 3D flowers in handmade box
TUTOR—ANNA YEVTUKH-SQUIRE 2 DAYS Come and join us for this 2-day workshop where you will learn how to make a very beautiful handmade leather-bound journal with 3-D flowers and how to create a matching box that will make a gorgeous gift all together. In one workshop you will be introduced to bookbinding, simple box making, collage and making of 3-D fine leather flowers. Materials £25 payable to tutor on the day
Tutor - Caroline Gregory
Over two days students will be able to experience various hand building techniques: using rolled slabs, coils, pinching and modelling; and also methods of surface decoration by impressing and carving. I will explain the whole process and show the variety of items that can be made. Clay is a wonderfully malleable material that can be shaped and formed by hand with a minimum of tools. Pieces made can be fired in my own kiln at the end of the sessions (the first/biscuit firing), then students can either visit my workshop at a later date to glaze and decorate for the final firing, or I can apply glaze and return the finishes pieces. There will be a charge for materials and firing payable to the tutor on the day.
Tutor - Phil Shipley
Our main aim of this course is to make a quality ladderback chair in a week. The method is by turning legs and rails using tools called rotary planes and is suitable for complete beginners as well as those with some experience. The ability to measure in imperial units will be useful. We will use Ash and the design of the chairs will be heavily influenced by the Gimson/Clisset/Shaker styles and can either be side or armchairs. All tools and equipment will be provided. Materials will be sourced by the tutor and will be payable to him during the course. Seats can either be rushed, seagrassed or shaker taped.
Tutor - Jackie Cox
Using a sketchbook can be therapeutic and inspiring. On this two day course we will investigate different ways of using all sorts of media and source subjects to motivate and encourage your progress. From pen doodles to (weather permitting!) outside sketching in coloured pencil or watercolour and using your sketchbook to improve more finished artwork this course is for all abilities. £5 towards materials . This is a stand alone course or could be followed up with the Oil painting course.
Tutor - Lesley Graysmark
This course would be perfect for beginners and intermediate dressmakers. Learn how to make up tops, skirts, shirts or dresses and how to finish off projects professionally. The course would be perfect for someone who would like more in depth understanding of the sewing machine and patterns. Students to provide patterns, fabrics, machines and any haberdashery, for further information please ring me Lesley on 07982233404
ECO PRINTING 1—Ecoprinting on Paper and Making Books
Tutor—Lizzie Godden 1 DAY
On this one day workshop you’ll be able to “ecoprint” with leaves onto different types of paper, such an exciting technique, drawing out natural pigments from leaves to get stunning results. There'll be previously ecoprinted leaves for you to embellish. You'll be able to use ecoprinted papers to make books with, using tools and equipment that are readily available and most of which it's likely you already have. All materials provided, small charge payable to tutor on the day.
ECO PRINTING 2 Joy Of Leaves! 1 DAY
Tutor—Lizzie Godden
On this one day workshop you’ll be able to “ecoprint” with leaves onto different types of paper, such an exciting technique, drawing out natural pigments from leaves to get stunning results. There'll be previously ecoprinted leaves for you to embellish. You’ll also learn an ancient way of preserving leaves, a way that means the leaves will remain supple for years. You’ll be able to use treated leaves to stitch into, to be creative with. All materials provided, small charge payable to tutor on the day
ECO PRINTING 3—Introduction to Natural Dyeing & Shibori Techniques
Tutor—Lizzie Godden 1 DAY On this one day workshop you'll be able to dye "mordanted" fabric using plant materials. "Mordanted" comes from the Latin word for "to bite" - fabric is prepared so that the plant dyes bite into the fabric. You'll see how we can obtain a range of tones from one dye bath. We'll go on to over dye previously dyed fabric, and we'll use the exciting technique of shibori to create patterns on our dyed fabric. Shibori refers to creating resist in fabric by, for example, pinching, clamping, wrapping it, before dyeing it, its creative potential is huge. By the end of the day you'll be really keen to do more. All materials provided, small charge payable to tutor on the day.
TUTOR—Sue Cheviot
Come along and make this highly original 4 or 6 sided expanding decorative box, the ideal storage solution for sewing accessories, jewellery, make up or special trinkets etc. The boxes can be made from upcycled card and fabric and would look stunning in any room. This 2 day course involves cutting out materials, using templates, glueing and a small amount of sewing and is equally suitable for the complete novice or those with more experience. You will be provided with card, glue, wadding and suitable accessories. You will need to bring some non- stretchy fabrics (new or recycled), approx., 1/2 a metre , for the outer box and contrast linings. A small charge for items provided by the tutor will be made.
FELTED ANIMAL : McCOO 2 DAYS Tutor— Sarah Richards
Create your own coo, in this fun and beginner friendly needle felting class. You’ll have two days of creativity with a variety of wool fibres, plus learn how to add wire to a project, moulding with silk clay, and using merino wool for long hair. On the first day, you will make an armature, and build up the core structure of your cow. You’ll also make those iconic long horns! Day two will be spent adding colour, detail and of course a long, shaggy coat. All tools and materials provided, but if you have your own felting tools and materials, feel free to bring them along. Costs per person will be approximately £9 that includes felting mat and cloth cover, graded needles in a safety tube, wire, pipe cleaners, core wool, carded wool, merino tops, silk clay, photos and templates; all in a take home bag.
FREE MOTION EMBROIDERY 1: Sew Free - An introduction for Beginners
Tutor-Claire Salmon 1 DAY Aimed at beginners, or little experience of free motion machine stitching but want to learn. The course will include: How to set up your machine for free motion sewing, experimenting with different Embroidery feet and threads. Preparing fabric- choosing fabrics, using stabilisers & working with an embroidery hoop. Free motion techniques - practice exercises to help you master the techniques. In the afternoon, you will be offered a choice of a creative project using your new skills to create a card, picture, or small item such as a spectacle case or notebook cover. What do you need to bring? Please bring your own sewing machine. You will need to be able to either drop or cover the feed dogs on your machine. It is also useful to have the machine manual with you. If you are not able to bring your own machine, there will be a limited number available to borrow from the tutor (Please book early). If you have a free motion embroidery foot, or a darning foot for your machine, please bring that along too. There will be a range of universal fit embroidery feet available to borrow and to purchase. Please also bring a basic sewing kit: threads, scissors, pins. Please also bring a basic sewing kit: threads, scissors, pins. Materials for this course £7.50 (payable to the tutor on the day) Contact Claire for information on equipment needed or look on our GACG website. Materials cost: The cost of materials for this course is £7.50 (payable to the tutor on the day) Materials cost: The cost of materials for this course is £7.50 (payable to the tutor on the day) Please also bring a basic sewing kit: threads, scissors, pins. Materials cost: The cost of materials for this course is £7.50 (payable to the tutor on the day) Please also bring a basic sewing kit: dark coloured thread, scissors, pins. The cost of materials for this course is £7.50 (payable to the tutor on the day) Contact Claire for information on equipment needed or look on our GACG website.
FREE MOTION EMBROIDERY 2: Living on the edge - 1 DAY
Tutor - Claire Salmon
This course will introduce you to the addictive sewing technique of raw edge appliqué – a great way to embellish cushions, clothing, bags and a whole lot more. Using a range of lovely fabrics, you will learn how to select, cut and apply the fabric to create different designs, and to add machine stitching to bring your designs to life. During the day you’ll be able to make a selection of stitched cards and a book cover to take home. Please bring your own sewing machine. If you would like to include free motion stitching in your designs, you’ll need to be able to either drop or cover the feed dogs on your machine. It is also useful to have the machine manual with you. If you are not able to bring your own machine, there will be a limited number available to borrow from the tutor (Please book early). If you have a free motion embroidery foot, or a darning foot for your machine, please bring that along too. There will be a range of universal fit embroidery feet available to borrow and to purchase. Please also bring a basic sewing kit: threads, scissors, pins. Materials cost: £10,payable to the tutor on the day . Contact Claire for information on equipment needed or look on our GACG website.
FREE MOTION EMBROIDERY 3 Stitched Summer Lights
Tutor - Claire Salmon 1 DAY These summer lanterns will light up your homes. In this course you will explore specialist fabrics, such as Lutradur and soluble stabiliser, combine these with fabric inks and paints, and add your own flourishes with a choice of creative machine and hand sewing techniques. This course is aimed at those with some basic experience of machine sewing. If free motion embroidery is completely new to you, and you would like to include this in your project, I would recommend taking the introductory course first.. Please bring your own sewing machine. If you would like to include free motion stitching in your designs, you’ll need to be able to either drop or cover the feed dogs on your machine. It is also useful to have the machine manual with you. If you are not able to bring your own machine, there will be a limited number available to borrow from the tutor (Please book early). If you have a free motion embroidery foot, or a darning foot for your machine, please bring that along too. There will be a range of universal fit embroidery feet available to borrow and to purchase. Please also bring a basic sewing kit: threads, scissors, pins. The cost of materials for this course i£10 (payable to the tutor on the day) Contact Claire for information on equipment needed or look on our GACG website. Materials cost: The cost of materials for this course is £10 (payable to the tutor on the day)
Tutor—Caroline Lambert
Come and spend an enjoyable couple of days creating flowers that never fade! You will be guided through the various processes from glass cutting to copper foiling, soldering and applying patina. This workshop differs from the previous Wire and Glass Flowers sessions, with more of an emphasis on the glass elements, and is suitable for both beginners and those with some experience. There will be plenty of patterns for you to follow, or perhaps you might like to design your own. All tools and equipment are provided, as well as a marvellous selection of coloured and textured glass. At the end of the second day, you will have created a beautiful bouquet of everlasting flowers, as well as learning many new skills. There will be an additional fee of £20 for materials payable to the tutor.
Tutor– David Skidmore 2 DAYS Suitable for beginners to experienced artists . The course is aimed at teaching techniques to give confidence when drawing form and creating depth in the drawings with an understanding of the use of tones. We will look at giving feeling to the eye and creating realistic fur. We will cover composition and drawing form accurately, using a grid system & will also look at other methods and aids. We will be working from reference photos supplied, drawing on hot press watercolour paper with a grid prepared, pencils, erasers and blending stumps are provided for use during the workshop (ibring your own pencils etc if you wish). If interested we will also look at adding subtle colour to your drawings using watercolour, if interested please bring along a palette and brushes, a limited palette of watercolour paints will be supplied at a small cost . Everyone works at a different pace, so some will move along faster than others, there will be no pressure to work more quickly than you are comfortable with. if you do not finish the piece by the end of the workshop this is not a problem, just send me photos of your workshop piece and I will give advice to help you finish. Cost of watercolour paper £2 per sheet, Watercolour paint £2.50.
Tutor– David Skidmore 3 DAYS
Beginners to experienced artists . The course is aimed at teaching techniques to give confidence when drawing form and creating depth in the drawings with an understanding of the use of tones. We will look at giving feeling to the eye and creating realistic fur. We will cover composition and drawing form accurately, using a grid system & will also look at other methods and aids. We will be working from reference photos supplied, drawing on hot press watercolour paper with a grid prepared, pencils, erasers and blending stumps are provided for use during the workshop (ibring your own pencils etc if you wish). If interested we will also look at adding subtle colour to your drawings using watercolour, if interested please bring along a palette and brushes, a limited palette of watercolour paints will be supplied at a small cost . Everyone works at a different pace, so some will move along faster than others, there will be no pressure to work more quickly than you are comfortable with. if you do not finish the piece by the end of the workshop this is not a problem, just send me photos of your workshop piece and I will give advice to help you finish. Cost of watercolour paper £2 per sheet, Watercolour paint £2.50.
TUTOR—Nigel Ginley & Caroline Lambert
Create wonderful images on a range of fabric items such as tea towels, bags, aprons etc using traditional hand carved Indian wood blocks choosing from a huge collection of blocks. Suitable for all abilities. £10 basic materials costs (to include a quality tea towel) payable to the tutor on the day.
Tutor—Sharon Pritchard
I have been a leaded stained glass tutor and have taken workshops for 10 yrs. My style is very relaxed and very supportive with a few laughs along the way. Leaded stained glass tends to be used for larger pieces such as church windows. In this 2 day course you won’t have time to make a church window, but you will make a beautiful panel. Your course will start with a full H&S briefing followed by choosing a design that I supply to ensure that you have time to complete the panel. I will bring along a choice of stained glass in various colours and textures for you to choose from. Over the 2 days full training both to the group and where needed individual help will be given. Material cost to tutor £25-£40 depending on design.
LINOCUT PRINTING—Landscape 1 DAY Tutor—Tabitha Fedden
On this one day workshop all aspects of developing a linocut will be explored. Working from their own landscape reference material, participants will be guided through each step of the process from transferring designs, cutting methods, registration techniques, inking and printing. Our aim will be to produce a black and white print from a single block of 20 x 15 cms, traditional Linoleum. This will enable participants to explore how to create the illusion of mass and form through line and tone, whilst discovering the magic of linocut printmaking. There will be a charge for materials payable to the tutor on the day. This will include all materials and use of tools. Students will need to bring: An apron or old shirt, pencil, eraser, biro pen. Landscaped themed inspiration for final image– this could be a sketch, photo or art work etc.
LINOCUT PRINTING—Carve, Proof, Print, Play—Key Blocks 2 DAYS
Tutor– Tabitha Fedden Create a linocut print with strong graphic qualities, of your pet, a favourite animal or maybe even an imaginary animal, using the Key Block Lino technique. Suitable for beginners or those with some experience. On this two day workshop all aspects of developing a ‘key block’ linocut will be explored. Using the general theme of ‘animals’, participants will translate their own designs into a repeatable, hand-printed Linocut image on paper. A carved ‘outline’ block will be combined in print with a carved ‘background’ block. The end result will be a colourful hand printed image with a strong outline. Students will be guided through each step of the process from transferring designs, cutting methods, registration techniques, inking and printing. Students will need to bring; An apron or old shirt, pencil, eraser and biro pen. Animal themed inspiration for final image - this could be a photo, sketch or art work etc. (We will be working at this size 10 x 15 cms). There will be a charge for materials payable to the tutor on the day. This will include all materials and use of tools.
MOSAIC 1 Beach inspired Sun Catcher 1 DAY
Tutor— Rachel Shilston
Learn a new skill, make a memory AND have fun, by creating your own striking mosaic beach sun-catcher plaque for display in your garden. It may seem a bit of a challenge, but really it’s just like making a jigsaw puzzle…the small pieces make the big picture. Join me and I will guide you through the whole process. You will create your mosaic using the direct method and will use a combination of colourful vitreous glass tiles, ceramic beads, shells, sea glass and mirror. You can copy my example or come up with your own unique design in your favourite colours. No experience necessary and suitable for beginners. We won't have time to grout during the workshop as the adhesive will still be wet, but you will be given a short demo and enough grout to finish your piece off later. Beach Suncatcher Plaque measures approximately 20cm x 30cm and is suitable for outdoors. Material cost: £35 per person.
MOSAIC 2 Floral Wreath 1 DAY Tutor— Rachel Shilston
Did you know that every month has a different birth flower associated with it? During this one day mosaic experience you can create a floral wreath incorporating your family’s birth flowers or just make a wreath using your own favourite blooms . Using my wide collection of vitreous glass tiles, ceramic beads, broken vintage plates I will guide you through the techniques to create a beautiful mosaic. Within a friendly, supportive and fun environment, you will: Plan a design, Cut and shape your tesserae (tiles), Make a mosaic for indoor use using the ‘direct method’ (30cm) ready to grout, Learn about the correct adhesives and grouts to use. Suitable for beginners. My designs are available to use. We won’t have time to grout, but I will show you how and give you the grout to finish off your mosaic at home. Materials cost: £35 per person payable to tutor on the day. What’s included: All materials and tools, including aprons & safety goggles. An information pack, comprising details on how to grout your piece.
MOSAIC 3 Trio of hanging Mosaics 1 DAY Tutor– Rachel Shilston
Always wanted to try mosaic but not sure where to start? With expert guidance from me and I will build up your skills to help you create a marvellous mosaic. From beautiful bees and birds to beach huts and hearts, you'll get to choose which designs you bring to life using gorgeous vitreous glass tiles, ceramic beads and glass pebbles. I will guide you through every step to create a set of three beautiful mosaics that you can be proud of. During the workshop, you will have time to create three different mosaics, so perhaps you would like to create three different ones or create a medley that would work well on display together. There will also be coaster shapes available too, so lots of possibilities. We won’t get time to grout as the glue will still be wet, but a demo will be given and you’ll be given enough grout to finish your pieces at home. These mosaics are for indoor display only. Within a friendly, supportive and fun environment, you will: Plan a design, Cut and shape your tesserae (tiles), Produce a set of three mosaics for indoor display using the ‘direct method’ (10-20cm) ready to grout Learn about the correct adhesives and grouts to use Materials cost: £35 per person.
In this class we will make a 3D figurine using polystyrene cones/eggs as formers covering them with pre-felts and decorating them with wool roving. We will learn how to decorate the gown to look like patterned fabric or embroidery, create a hair style and also how to make wings if you wish. Materials cost is £7 to include a needle payable to the tutor on the day. Extra needles are 50p
Using pre-felts and wool roving we will create a lovely floral scene. We will learn how to form an ethereal background and how to shape and decorate flowers and foliage. We will also learn about the different types of pre-felt and wool roving and how to create different textures and effects. Materials cost is £7 to include a needle payable to the tutor on the day. Extra needles are 50p each.
OIL PAINTING 3 DAYS Tutor—Jackie Cox
Using oil paints; from traditional to modern methods There's nothing that compares to oil painting and the soft buttery feel of the paints on canvas. From traditional methods to the surprising ways that new innovations have opened up more varied ways of using them, oil paints provide a beautiful way of expressing yourself. On this three day course we will investigate traditional oil paints, glazing and impasto, quicker drying alkyd paints and water based oils. (Please note we will be using sansodor, a low odour turpentine substitute for those who are sensitive) We will use a variety of surfaces to achieve different effects and different mediums to help with impasto and drying techniques. This course is suitable for all abilities, £10 towards materials payable to the tutor on the day. Attending the Creative ideas for keeping a sketchbook 2 day course would give you the opportunity to work one of these sketches using oil paints.
Have you a collection of lovely treasures gathered from the beach or other pieces of stone, ceramic etc, which you would love to make into jewellery? Then this workshop is for you! You will learn how to wire pieces to create jewellery pieces. Don’t worry if you don’t have any materials as the tutor has some beach treasures to share. All materials will be supplied, approximate cost will be £5 payable to the tutor. This workshop is suitable for beginners.
Tutor—Steve Carpenter
Join me as we explore the world of shaker oval boxes, a traditional object used to store dry goods. Learn how to safely use hand and power tools to shape the veneer then by soaking it in boiling water, bend the wood into an oval shape and finally secure it using copper tacks and wooden pegs- no glue. The box you take home will require a little drying time before applying the finish of your choice. I day course – make a small tray and a lidded box. £20 materials payable to the tutor on the day.
Tutor—Steve Carpenter
Please note this is the SAME class held on two separate occasions
Join us as we explore the world of shaker oval boxes, a traditional object used to store dry goods. Learn how to safely use hand and power tools to shape the veneer then by soaking it in boiling water, bend the wood into an oval shape and finally secure it using copper tacks and wooden pegs- no glue. The box you take home will require a little drying time before applying the finish of your choice. 2 day course – learn how to make a lidded swing handle box with 2 trays, perfect as a travelling craft box. £45 materials payable to the tutor on the day.
Using soft crinkle bullion wire you will learn how to make brooches, pendants and other pieces of jewellery. We will start with a simple shape and progress to a more complicated item during the day, once embellished with beads and other elements. You will have some very original pieces of work. The tutor will make a small charge for materials used on the day.
VINTAGE JEWELLERY ART 1— Brooches and Pendants 1 DAY
Tutor—Jackie Ginley
Learn how to give a new lease of life to preloved/broken jewellery by turning them into a beautiful brooch or pendant. I have a range of shapes to choose from. You will be able to make 1-2 pieces. Materials cost is £10 payable to the tutor on the day.
Tutor - Jackie Ginley
This is an upcycle project for preloved jewellery. Turn pieces of unwanted jewellery into works of art, learning how to assemble beads, chains and pieces of jewellery into specific shapes. We will explore the use of glues and adhesives. I have a range of designs for you to choose from or you can bring your own. Please ensure it is in silhouette form and will fit within an aperture size of 15cm x 15cm. Materials cost £15 to include picture frame
Tutor—Clair Hodgeson
This is a 5 day course, with each day taking a different subject with its own techniques and challenges. We will have fun discovering the exciting potential of watercolour, taking an experimental approach to trying out the different techniques, and applying both traditional and wildly less traditional approaches to mark-making and creative effects, through practical samples, tests and experiments, each day ending with a final piece. We will cover subjects such as loose florals, still life subjects, landscape and seascape, whilst losing ourselves in this hugely enjoyable wonderful world of watercolour. Topics covered include ,materials, equipment, different kinds of papers and their qualities, composition, mark-making, including traditional techniques and some weirdly experimental ones as well to create exciting textures and surfaces, watercolour techniques, including handling paint, masking and use of stencils to create interesting shape and line, colour theory, combinations of watercolour and other media, such as pen & ink, and if time allows, using watercolour pencils and collage. Material cost to student is £15.
Tutor - Helen Lomberg
Learn to use Willow to create a little Magic. At the beginning of this three day course we will have bundles of wet willow Rods, and by the end of the three days you will be walking out with a basket over your arm. You will learn how to construct a basket around a round base, such as a shopper with a handle, an Apple Picker's basket, a nest of three willow platters, an Ali Baba, a Log basket or an Umbrella Basket.... For those who have already worked a little with Willow, may I introduce you to the French Oval Base. Extending your range of possibilities.... We will be using a range of willows grown in Somerset. Buff, brown and steamed and also possibly Dicky Meadows and Flaunders Red. There will be a charge for materials to the tutor. Warning- Willow can be very addictive...
Tutor—Sebastian Burchart
Come along and learn this exciting craft. Wood carving is a form of woodworking by means of a cutting tool (knife) in one hand, or a chisel with two hands , or with one hand on a chisel and one hand on a mallet, resulting in a wooden figure or wall plaque. I will teach you about tools, woods, practice how to properly hold the tools and how to use them. You will be able to make either a flower plaque or a wood spirit. All tools will be provided and there will be a charge for materials to the tutor on the day. Working with wood is a wonderful experience. Unleash your inner carvings.
Please bring CASH for Tutor materials, Raffle, The Marketplace and New Beginnings table . Also a mug for your teas and coffees and maybe a cushion for the hard chairs.
GACG bank details National Westminster Bank
Account Number 69003009
Branch Sort Code 60-09-02
Use reference : SS25 and your name as it appears on the booking form
General information
Newent Community School, our venue, is situated on the outskirts of Newent town, Gloucestershire. It has Arts College status and offers excellent facilities for our courses. Students will be pleased to know it has ample parking. All courses are open to everyone over 18 years of age. Usually courses are limited to a maximum of 10 students to enable tutors to give individual attention to the members of the group. Tuition in the basics will be available for beginners, whilst those with previous experience will be given opportunities to expand and advance their existing skills.
Early booking is strongly advised because of the limited places available. Tutors will specify charges for materials where applicable,( payable in CASH on the day to the tutor), in addition to course fees.
Prior to Summer School, students will be supplied with information about their courses (if necessary ), along with suggestions on what equipment or materials they should bring. Any course under-subscribed may be cancelled at the end of June but students will be contacted to choose another. Alternatively any fees will be refunded. Should an advertised tutor withdraw from Summer School, Gloucester Arts and Crafts Group reserve the right to use a substitute tutor. In such unforeseen circumstances, no refund will be made to students.
Your fees includes tuition and a mandatory service charge to the school. This covers an excellent lunch, varied menu , cooked by first class caterers on the premises, morning coffee and afternoon tea breaks with homemade biscuits and cakes, site staff wages , cleaning contract and the hiring of the school rooms. Vegetarian food options are catered for as a matter of course. Please indicate if you require vegan food. For other dietary requirements, only make us aware if there is a specific medical need, rather than a life choice. This will avoid time, effort and expense in the preparation of specialist food items if they are not eaten.
Students are responsible for Insurance and safe-keeping of their own property. The booking form consist of two pages. There are two in this brochure, so you can give one to a friend . We wish you a happy and creative week.
And to add further interest and excitement to the Summer School experience, we also have:
Our ever popular raffle will take place on Thursday 31st July2025. Tickets will be on sale from Monday 28th July, £1 each until the draw takes place. Donations of prizes will be most welcome. The draw will take place during the afternoon and prizes can be collected at home time. Cash only.
The Marketplace comprises of a 5 day Arts and Crafts sale, where Tutors and students have the opportunity to sell their own original creations. This takes place in the main foyer. We always have an amazing diversity of goods on sale. If you would like to sell your wares, bring them along priced and we will do the rest. 10% of the cost of the items sold goes towards GACG funds. Cash only.
We have the ARTWAY Ltd shop back again. They will be in on Tuesday 29th July and Wednesday 30th July– all day. For those of you have never seen them before, they sell an amazing variety of art and craft materials at very competitive prices, including wonderful books. They also sell items that you never knew you needed, but must have them—or so I find.
Nicky Artworks will be selling art materials on Thursday 31st July.
Donate your unfinished, abandoned or unloved arts and crafts projects to us and we will sell them at competitive prices to our students. All monies going towards GACG funds. A wonderful way to have a complete sort out and pick up new projects for the future. Just leave your donations at the front desk. Cash only.
Watch everyday, Artists/Crafters demonstrating live.
Booking form Summer School 2025
( please note that this cannot be filled online, either copy and paste and send to Gill or just use the headings and email the details to Gill)
Fill in your details
Contact number
Course(s) chosen
Access requirements
Dietary requirements (if any, only make us aware if there is a specific medical need. This will avoid time, effort and expense in the preparation of specialist food items if they are not eaten). Vegetarians are catered for but plea
se indicate if you require vegan food.
Ring Gill if you have any queries. 07874 604952
Course fees
5 days | 4 days | 3 days | 2 days | 1 day |
£285 | £228 | £171 | £114 | £57 |
This includes a non-refundable deposit. Your fees includes expert tuition and a mandatory service charge to the school. This covers lunch, morning coffee and afternoon tea breaks with biscuits/ cakes, site staff , cleaners & room hire etc.
How much to pay
EITHER (I) Pay in full ( see above)
OR (II) Pay a non-refundable deposit (below)
5 days | 4 days | 5 days | 2 days | 1 day |
£75 | £60 | £45 | £30 | £15 |
and the balance by 30th June 2025
Payment methods Cheque or bank transfer
CHEQUE : Payable to Gloucester Arts & Crafts group, with completed booking form and SAE to Gill Webb, ( photocopy of booking form accepted)
OR BANK TRANSFER - National Westminster Bank
Account Number 69003009
Branch Sort Code 60-09-02
Use reference : SS25 and your name as it appears on the booking form. Booking form/details can be emailed to Gill Webb
Send to : Gill Webb, 51 Riversley Road, Elmbridge, Gloucester GL20QU
Mobile 07874 604952 Email:
Confirmation & receipt will be sent by email or post - if SAE is provided
Gill Webb - Chairman, Summer School Co-ordinator, Online Editor and sausage roll maker 07874 604952
Phil Shipley - Treasurer/ Tutor - 07342 643334
Catherine Askew - Assistant to the Summer School Co-ordinator and Minutes Secretary
Sue Cheviot - One Day Workshops Co-ordinator
Joyce Barrus - Membership Secretary
Kate Smith - Tutor
Bev Allen - Refreshments
Nigel Ginley—Tutor, New Beginnings and much more.
Carol Blackburn—Director of New Talent
Sharon Marshall - Returning committee member
These amazing people make the Summer School happen. All volunteers and fun to work with.
Gloucester Arts and Crafts Group
The first Summer School was held at St. Peter's High School 1981, ( 9am –5pm, all 5 day courses, stamina was obviously required in those days), and later at Beaufort Community School. Since 2015 we have been at Newent Community School, Gloucestershire.
The organisation is carried out by volunteers, who do it to give others the chance of enjoying arts and crafts. Course fees for Summer School covers expert tuition, use of some specialist tools, all meals, drinks and refreshments. Materials can be supplied by the tutor payable to them on the day. Classes are open to adults.
On average, we offer over 40 different courses at Summer School. We have charitable status, (Reg Charity No 1069039) and because we are a non-profit making organisation, we are able to offer courses that are truly excellent value for money, taught by experienced tutors, who are accomplished artists in their own right.
Although the Summer School is our main event, we do have other activities including two one-day workshops, with 7 different classes, in spring and autumn. These workshops are held at Maidenhill School, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire.
A lot of our students are members of the group, but non-members are equally welcome. Members receive early information about the Group’s activities, two weeks booking priority over non-members by receiving the brochure early , £5 discount for the One Day Workshops, an invitation to AGM– with a visiting speaker and newsletter. Membership renewal and new members joining is in January—send an email to Joyce to go onto the list. If you would like to become a member, contact Membership Secretary, Joyce Barrus, Email
All booking forms, dates and information can be found on our website-
Cancellation policy
Summer School Balance to be paid one month prior to the start. Deposit is non-returnable. If a students cancels up to 4 weeks before the start, a refund less the deposit will be given. After that no refunds will be given unless we can fill the space. If a cancellation can be filled , the balance less the deposit will be refunded. A full refund will be given if the course is cancelled by us for any reason.
One Day Workshops Fee paid upon booking. There are no deposits. Refunds will only be given if a cancellation can be filled with another student, or at the discretion of the committee