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MEETINGS - FERNDOWN DAY CENTRE, BH22 9JP EVERY FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH 3-5pm.  Healthcare speakers, COPD Respiratory Nurses, Topics include specialist advice on Inhalers, Nebulisers, Oxygen, Oxymeters, talks by Manufacturers of Respiratory Equipments

NHS Professionals speak about COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) or similar lung related illness, for example Bronchiectasis, Asthma and to answer questions which the membership may have.  Concerns may be 'how to use' the various types of inhalers and indeed medication.  Fit to Fly.  Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC), Airline Medical Certificates, Hypoxic Challenge Test. Titration Study.  Travel Insurance, Special assistance. Blue Badge. The Support Group offers each (the NHS Specialist and member) an opportunity to meet informally.  The COPD support group has been operating in FERNDOWN since 2009 and is run by Warren Brown (COPD) patient. The aim and objective of the group is to provide a unique link between patient and medical service. The group supports Carers and patients with home visits where required.  In addition to visiting NHS specialists, other visitors are invited from organisations of general interest. For example Wills, Trust and LPA Lasting Powers of Attorney.


FERNDOWN (COPD) SUPPORT GROUP now in its 13th year is funded privately by WARREN BROWN MRAeS. (Warren manages the group and has been diagnosed with emphysema) Also PAD Peripheral Arterial Disease (Vascular) in both legs. 

COPD Specialist Glynis Smith


2020/2021.  It is estimated that 1.17 million people in the UK have been diagnosed with COPD.


No meetings are held during the month of January, due to Christmas and New Year holidays.



Thursday 3rd December -West Moors Memorial Hall.  9.30am-1pm.

(FREE HEALTH CHECK) No appointment necessary. Just turn up on the day.  In association with West Moors Surgery.  Blood Pressure, Pulse, Stroke Risk score, BMI, Meet representatives from Ferndown COPD Support Group, Live Well Dorset, West Moors Chiropractic Clinic.




Thursday 2nd February 2023. Presentation by Dr Iain Hill Consultant Royal Bournemouth Hospital Pulmonary Rehabilitation.  The topic : Alpha-1 AntitypsinDeficiency.  The dangers.  (Can cause Liver and Lung conditions).

This will be followed by a questions and answers session from members.


The group is available for supporting patients with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Asthma, Emphysema.  Family members and Carers.  If you wish to contact the Support Group, please use the 'Feedback' form. Come and join us, we know and understand how you feel. Membership is free and we look forward to welcoming you.

GP in attendance to answer any questions or concerns that members may have


Thursday 3rd August   Phillippa Prantl (Barcellos Family Practice)   Topic. Patient Care Network.


Thursday 7th September  (return engagement)  David Brenchley Atheneys Law   Wills, Inheritance Tax  (TBC)


Thursday 5th October    (Return engagement) Dr Iain Hill Pulmonary Rehab Royal Bournemouth Hospital  (TBC)


Thursday 2nd November   Topics presented by Glynis (COPD Specialist)

How to get the most from your COPD Consultation. Also what to do with an unexpected flareup - ascerbation


Thursday 7th December.  Christmas Meeting. Light hearted exercise. Film  and setting a goal for the New Year. The meeting is open to families and carers alike.  During the meeting a small reference will be made to strokes - specifically Lacunar strokes.  These types of strokes occur when an artery to the deep part of the brain containing small structures is blocked. The risk factor is High Blood Pressure.


Other strokes occur on the surface of the brain. A TIA is often referred to as a 'mini stroke' lasting several hours or perhaps several days.  The TIA is a 'warning sign'

Warren Brown MRAeS the Manager and Founder of the Ferndown COPD Support Group has recently suffered a TIA.


2024  Meetings

Following the Christmas and New Year celebrations the group will resume on Thursday 1st February.  Topic Goals and Fit to Fly on holiday


Thursday 1st February 2024

Topic. Goals. Fit To Fly.  Airline Medical Certificates (short and long Haul flghts)  This talk will be beneficial for those patients / members intending to fly away on holiday with possible connecting flights. The talk will also encompass holidaying with oxygen in the UK. Portable Oxygenators will also be discussed.  


Thursday 7th March 2024

Warren Brown will provide introduction to the support group. Objectives. 

The meeting is specific to COPD, Emphysema patients and those with Asthma, Pulmonary Fibrosis. Also those with LTOT (Long Term Oxygen Therapy), this is where patients have Hypoxaemic.

Ambulatory System. This method is for active patients with portable oxygen attached to a cylinder either on wheels or carried in a backpack


The first visiting speaker is Rob from SHEDS (a charity which brings together people of a wide ranging skills that work in sheds. Lasting friendships are made. 

The second speaker will be Jo Sinclair ARNI instructor.  She will speak of exercise for stroke survivors - a follow on from our previous talk of TIA and major Lacuna. Vascular Dementia.


Our COPD SPECIALIST Glynis will lead  


Thursday 4th April 2024 

NHS Video exercises


Thursday 2nd May 2024

Doctor Iain Hill makes a return visit to the group. Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals Thoracic Department.  Speaking of Lung Reduction, Emphysema, Asthma and ILD Interstitial Lung Disease. ILD is an umbrella term for a large group of diseases that cause stiffness in the lungs which makes it difficult to breathe. Making it difficult to get oxygen into the bloodstream.    Iain will also be available to answer questions that the members may have.


Thursday 6th June 2024   

Return engagement of Jo Sinclair, Group participation exercises. Fully Qualified Instructor. 

D-DAY memories


Thursday 4th July 2024

Benefits talk by Citizens Advice Bureau. Speaker ROS DIGNAN.  Benefits including Energy


Thursday 1st August 2024


Thursday 5th September 2024

Return engagement - St John Ambulance Adocate Len Bates 


Thursday 3rd October 2024

Our 15th Anniversary. Cake and soft drinks. Bring your partners


Thursday 7th November 2024

Mr David Sidwick  Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner


Thursday 5th December 2024

Christmas Meeting







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