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notes for guidance



Accounts of living-educational-theories are generated by practitioners as they realise their professional responsibilities for their practice and contributing the values-laden knowledge they generate in the process to the growth of global knowledge. Researchers generate their living-educational-theories as their values-based ‘explanations for their educational influences in their own learning, the learning of others and the learning of social formations’ (Whitehead, 1989). The values that form the explanatory principles and evaluative standards in accounts of living-educational-theories are the life-enhancing values that carry hope for the flourishing of individuals, social formations and Humanity that emerge in the course of the research.

This page provides advice as to what practitioners need to include in their paper so others can make use of the knowledge they have generated.


A practitioner researcher engages in Living Educational Theory Research to research their practice to understand and improve it and in the process clarify their embodied living ontological and social values that form their explanatory principles of their explanations of educational influence in learning and the standards by which they evaluate improvements in the educational influence of their practice. For the most up-to-date text on Living Educational Theory Research authors are strongly advised to read, Whitehead, J. (2019) Creating a living-educational-theory from questions of the kind, ‘how do I improve my practice?’ 30 years on with Living Theory research. EJOLTs 12(2), 1-19 watch his TedX talk on Living Theory research and visit the 'advice for authors' page.

Types of Papers

We encourage the submission of multimedia accounts which include text, still images, audio and video files that help to communicate the meanings of your energy-flowing values and practice. Where appropriate and possible, you are encouraged to integrate URLs linked to the papers, videos etc. that you have referenced.

We recognise that different workplaces and geographical locations have access to different levels of ICT provision; consequently, we will not penalise contributors who are not able to make use of hi-tech resources. We simply wish to emphasise here our openness to the multiple forms of representation that are acceptable as descriptions and explanations of practice.

We expect your paper to include a clearly written description and explanation in English of the context(s), purposes, processes and outcomes of your enquiry. Our intention is not solely to publish papers: it is to publish papers that are read. Shorter papers are more likely to be read than long papers. Therefore, although EJOLTS will occasionally publish accounts of Living Educational Theory Research (Whitehead, 1989) that are up to 18,000 words long, they are normally comprise 6,000−12,000 words, including references and appendices. This range is usually sufficient to provide a structure and discipline for Living Educational Theory Researchers to express their creativity and originality, while producing "reader-friendly" articles. Creating a lean, audience-friendly account is one of the disciplines of being a writer and researcher. A longer article is not necessarily a clearer one − in fact, it could be less so.

Please do look through the EJOLTs archive to find any papers that are useful to you to strengthen your Living Educational Theory research and improve your values-led practice. Make sure you include any you draw on in your reference list and those that have influenced your thinking and practice in your bibliography

We do not wish authors to feel unnecessarily constrained: however, from experience, we have come to know that the longer the articles the less the readers engage with them. With these points in mind, we strongly encourage authors to keep within a written extent of 6,000–12,000 words (including references and appendices) and, when necessary, to work with reviewers to explore where they can edit the word count downwards without changing the essence of their paper.

Second, authors are also strongly urged to use the the pre-submission checklist and ensure that their paper meets all the submission guidelines.


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