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John Krajewski - Mother of Pearl

I'm so pleased to be able to tell you that my brother-in-law, John Krajewski's, beautiful album of reflective solo piano music is now available for streaming on Spotify and Apple and will be available on all other streaming platforms soon. Just search for John Krajewski - Mother of Pearl. Also, You can download a full free copy of the album by going to bandcamp.com and putting in John's name. A double cd will be available soon. John died of cancer a few days ago and we are raising money for Cancer Research UK in his memory ...

if you would like to make a donation please go to: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Kevyn-Smith2


here is a video of the title track 'Mother of Pearl' written by John.




Music : Words : Colour


Working from the shores of Loch Bracadale in Skye, East Cleft Street curates for a group of songwriters, musicians, poets, authors and artists collaborating to create new music, videos, songs, poetry, prose and art. 

Whatever your interests you're likely to find something here to entertain, entice and amuse you.


Early music and guitar rock, gentle folk songs and community choirs, ambient trance and pop anthems, chidren's songs, adult meditations, country blues and surf twang. We go where our imagination takes us. 


Positive poetry, thoughtful prose, and poignant short stories.


Interesting images, colourful glass, creative projects to view and buy.


Music and art videos to keep you entertained.

At East Cleft Street you'll find music, videos, prose and poetry,interesting images and art objects. 

There's always a lot going on so come back soon

Kevyn Smith - Curator, East Cleft Street 

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