The District Grand Priory of Queensland
& Papua New Guinea
Constituted 1937 under
The Great Priory of Scotland
Welcome to our website
This District consists of 11 Preceptories and spans from the North of Queensland to the New South Wales border including one Preceptory located in Papua New Guinea. The Annual Muster for the District is held on the first Saturday in April at the Masonic Centre 17 Cleveland St Stones Cnr Brisbane.
All Fratres of the District are requested and invited to attend.
If you are a Royal Arch Mason and are interested in the Knights Templar and their historic connection with Scottish Masonry contact us. We would be happy to hear from you. Enjoy a browse through our website you are most welcome.
Rt.Emt.Fr. Duncan McGregor
District Grand Prior
Our twin District is The District Grand Priory of Ayrshire
The information contained in these web pages is, to the best of our knowledge true and accurate at the time of publication, and is solely for information purposes. The District Grand Priory of Queensland and Papua New Guinea accepts no liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising as a result of use or reliance on this information.