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Interested in a great variety of things - natural history, history,  architecture, geology, archaeology? Why not join the Dingwall Field Club? While going on field trips, mainly walks, our collective knowledge of things we observe, is shared. The outings are enjoyable and would be suitable for families. The walks are short to moderate in length and pace.

Summer programmes have one Thursday morning walk and one longer walk on a Saturday, per month.  The winter programme now includes both a shorter walk on a Thursday morning and a longer Saturday walk.  

It may be possible to arrange one or two extra outings to places of interest, particularly in the summer.  Suggestions are welcome!

Visitors and non-members are very welcome at Club outings. Any children under 16 must be under the control and the responsibility of an accompanying adult, who cannot be the leader of the walk.

In the event of adverse weather conditions, members and visitors are advised, please, to check that meetings or walks are in fact taking place.

The meeting place for all walks/outings is No.1 Car Park, Dingwall (opposite the back of Boots) unless advised otherwise on events pages.

Everyone comes at their own risk.

No dogs are allowed on Field Club outings.

Members and visitors must follow the organiser's instructions. Leaders may, at their discretion, alter or cancel the outing.  

On walks, all should come prepared and equipped for bad weather and some rough walking and bring sufficient food for all day outings.

The start time for outings varies, but is given by each walk on the events page. 

Annual membership of Dingwall Field Club is only £15 per person, or £25 for a couple.  There is normally a charge of £2 per outing for non members.  

Contact  01349 864661 for more information.


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