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         Arran Birds of Prey

                 Operated By           " Hands  on   Hawking  "

        Tuition..........Displays.......Corporate  Events....Educational Talks.

Based on the Isle of Arran off the west Coast of Scotland,Arran Birds Of Prey offers the chance to have a hands on experence with a range of raptors and try falconry whilst on the Isle of Arran'

Prices start at £20 per person for the basic session.

Normaly limited to 4 persons this session is targeted at those who would like to get a little closer to birds of prey,learn about bird handling and experience the thrill of having a bird on your hand.            Approx duration 90mins.

One to One at £35.

A good way to find out if falconry is for you.An opportunity to find out more about birds of prey and will include flying. Approx duration 90mins

Other sessions by arangement.


++++++falconry gloves and waxproof jackets will be provided.

++++++wellie boots and some form of headwear are recomended.

Contact Ian at " Hands on Hawking"

01770600544(+44 1770600544 from outside Uk )





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