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Crackers Bad-Arse!
Dear Crackers
Just a quick note to tell you off for being an exceptionally BAD cat! I really enjoyed meeting you and you MUST come to Australia soon. Thanks for all the unofficial tour-guiding that was FUN!
Posted by Lara Geach on 09 August 2008
wow , I had not idea how far out at the ends of the earth you me we are at opposites... your scenery is gorgeous, but i think i would freeze my toes and other things off.... what a lovely life you must be sort of envious.

x micha.
Posted by micha on 17 January 2008
Linked to your site from TGP
Nita - I thought you might be another Nita that I know in England, so I checked out your site from TGP. And here I am treated to some fantastic art. Thank you.
Love and Peace Link
Posted by Frank Kapzynski on 30 May 2007
Your work
Hi Anita,
your work is brilliant!!!!!
Posted by Gary Dunn on 29 April 2007
Balintraid House
Hi Anita, just had a little wander round your interesting site. It sounds very exciting and I would love to hear more about it?
Hope you are well too
Posted by Diana on 29 April 2007
Posted on 22 April 2007
No Title
Posted on 21 February 2007
Posted on 04 December 2006
WikanikoWork from Home
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