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Ride Organisers

One-stop support for SERC Highland ride organisers.
Email >> IT Support with suggestions for more content

 ride list & planners >>

ride information submission form >>
** submit as early and as often as needed - goes on the Calendar page**

SERC - ride support pages  >>

first aiders list soon

Arrangements for posting  Ride Information on the web site

Ride Summary
A summary of each ride is posted in Notices (home page) well before the ride; about 4-6 weeks. It has all the links on it.

Pre-ride Information
All pre-ride information is now posted in the Ride Calendar entry. As an alternative, a unique Ride Page can be created for your ride Information.  If you want this, email >> IT Support.

Ride Map(s) and Talkround(s)
Email >>  or post the ride map(s) and talkround(s) to IT Support.  Do not worry about quality; it will be reproduced using map / draw software. Both will then be posted in the Library.

Rider List
The rider list  link is put on the website with others. The list is 'live' -  current as the ride secretary updates it. 

Ride Venue
The Website Map (top right) is set to the next ride venue (parking, vetting etc). There will also be a link to the map in the Ride Calendar entry.

An email link on the Ride Calendar entry will put helpers directly in touch with ride orgnaisers.


Click for Map
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