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First Aiders

It is important for Ride Organisers to be able to identify First Aiders, members or non-members, at rides in case the need arises. A First Aider List for ride organisers is growing - name, mobile. There will also be a sign-up list at each ride at admin. If you are a First Aider and happy to help, please register below and sign-up at rides.

From SERC Health and Safety policy - " Provide access to adequate first aid facilities, telephone and qualified first aider at all times."


 Email  >>>. These details will only be used for the SERC Highland First Aiders list and will be made available to ride organisers for identifying First Aiders at rides.

  • Name and mobile.
  • Certicate - for name of training organisation issueing certificate.
  • Expiry date - expiry date of certificate, even if it has expired.


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