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1. What do I want to improve?
- Method of teaching and learning in computer science subject.

2. Why do I feel that something could be improved in what I am doing?
Computer Science’s students always can use a computer so they don’t pay attention enough to learn computer theories. These students would like to study the computer application. There are many methods of teaching and learning but it is not for computer science subject.

3. What could I do that might improve what I am doing?
- Find out more teaching and learning methods especially in computer science subject.
- Apply these methods with our group study.
- Evaluate based on the way of communication and interaction

4. As I am acting what data will I collect to enable me to judge my influence in my professional context as I answer my question?
- Recording communication and interaction within a classroom between students and teachers
- Recording sharing knowledge between friends
- Making a group action in order to observe how to communicate and interact each another.

- Creating an assignment which the students can show their interaction with their friends and share their idea

- Interviewing our students aftering we finish a class.

- Creating a classroom observation report with video tape recordings, students’ written works, and interviews with the students
- Making a questionnaire for evaluating satisfaction of changing teaching and learning method.

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