SpanglefishLEMAG Lanarkshire Ethnic Minority Action Group | sitemap | log in
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The LEMAG membership is made up of individuals and representatives from the ethnic minority community groups.  Ethnic minority communities are from both North and South Lanarkshire Council areas. The Group has been financially supported by North Lanarkshire Council, South Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire & Big Lottery.

The aim of the Group is to ensure that the needs of the ethnic minority communities are met; that the race equality strategies are implemented in the provision of services, in line with agencies legal and moral requirements in regards to health, social, cultural and educational services and to promote social harmony across cultures.

The objectives of the Group are:

  • To network with various agencies/voluntary organisations
  • To work in liaison with statutory agencies
  • To ensure that a procedure is established for continuous monitoring of the communities access to services and making improvements where necessary

October 2019 Seminar

Lemag's information seminar will be held on Sat 19 Oct 2019 (from 12.30pm to 3.00pm) at Burnbank Community Centre, Hamilton.


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