
The Hull and East Yorkshire Branch of The Submariners Association
The Submariners Association is an Association of ex and serving Submariners which seeks to maintain the special bonds of friendship, loyalty and comradeship, together with a pride in the Submarine Service, formed during service in Her Majesty's Submarines. The objective of the Submariners Association is to promote and support the RN Submarine Service and its heritage. To foster the friendships and comradeship peculiar to all Submariners so that they may continue to share the experiences and association, and to keep alive that pride in the Submarine Branch, formed during their service in H. M. Submarines.
Welcome to our Website
The Branch meets at The Tigers Lair, Anlaby road, Hull, HU3 2JA, tele 01482 211208.. The Branch will meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 19.30 hours for a 20.00 hours start. All serving and Ex Submariners will be most welcome.
President. Peter Griffin
Chairman. Ron Thundercliffe Treasurer. Andy Foot
Secretary Kevin Pengelly
For any information regarding the Hull Branch please contact the Secretary on:-
Telephone 01482 351653
Mobil -07772270593
For any comments regarding the Website ( Good or Bad ) Please use the feedback section of the site.
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