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Welcome to

Evanton Social &

Events Group


Next Meeting:


Looking forward to seeing you all


 Evanton Social and Event Group, (Formerly Evanton Fundraising Group) has been in existence for the past 43 years, raising funds, organizing local events and the establishment of regular functions of wellbeing for the benefit of the Community & Highland Hospice.

2014 - 2018 were significant years for us all, touching many lives, including The centenaries of the commencement of WW1, the founding of the Brownie movement, the Commonwealth games and one of our local residents reaching the age of 100!  We organised a programme of events in our community for everyone to get involved and celebrate together.

We welcome residents to come along and get involved in planning community events and fund raising at our monthly meetings in the Diamond Jubilee Hall, Evanton.

Full details of future events for 2023, are listed on the 'Dates & Documents' page, with updates regularly on the 'News' page. For further information please check here at ESEG or www.evanton.online/notice-board  and posters in the village.

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