The one stop website
Website domain names are rather like having your own registration number on your car. If you change your car you can keep the same registration number. Likewise with a website domain name, if you change your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or hosting service, you can keep the same domain name.
The root domain name (for an example) may be: - which is redirected at the registrars server to:
It will seen from the above example that not only is the domain shorter but would remain the same if you changed your hosting service.
The cost of a domain name depends on what you have chosen - e.g: .com --- .org --- .biz --- etc. The actual cost is given on a Registrar's website - don't forget that VAT is extra.
The minimum period of registration is one year with an email nofication usually given when due - unless you have selected automatic renewal with payment from your credit/debit card.
Domain name registrations is big business and selecting a registrar is something of a minefield - we therefore hope that this website will be helpful for you. Keep in mind that some DOMAIN NAME REGISTRARS websites are more user friendly than others.
The administrators of this website are not responsible for the advertisements that are put on by the hosting service and do not endorse them in any way whatsoever.
No responsibility is accepted for any errors, omissions or the content of any third party website linked with this one.
Format and design are copyright and all rights are reserved - July, 2016.
Produced by
August 2016